
EU projects

Projects completed

  • Development of the production technology and technical documentation of a bone replacement biomaterial called FlexiOss®® (Measure 2.3.2)
  • Support by Medical Inventi S.A. in preparing the feasibility study and the application for the EIC Accelerator Pilot programme (Sub-measure 2.3.6)
  • Internationalization in the context of the American market of the product awarded in the Polish Product of the Future Competition. (Measure 2.4.1)
  • Intellectual Property Identification Project (Measure 2.6)
  • Implementation of an innovative production technology of a legally protected invention called “Bioactive composite and method of producing bioactive composite”.” (Measure 3.2.2)
  • Umiędzynarodowienie innowacyjnej oferty na rynek ZEA (Measure 3.3.1)
  • FlexiOss® brand promotion design in the international market (Measure 3.3.3)

Ongoing projects

  • FlexiOss® clinical trial design (Measure 1.2)
  • Medical equipment industry promotion program as a method of increasing brand recognition of FlexiOss bone substitution biomaterial called “artificial bone” (Measure 2.3.4)

Measure 1.2

FlexiOss® clinical trial design.

Measure 2.3.2

Development of the production technology and technical documentation of a bone replacement biomaterial called FlexiOss®.

Measure 2.3.4

Participating in medical equipment industry promotion program as a method of increasing brand recognition of FlexiOss bone substitution biomaterial called “artificial bone”.

Measure 2.3.6

Support by Medical Inventi S.A. in preparing the feasibility study and the application for the EIC Accelerator Pilot programme.

Measure 2.4.1

Internationalization of the product awarded in the Polish Product of the Future Competition.

Measure 2.6

Intellectual Property Identification Project.

Measure 3.2.2

Implementation of an innovative production technology of a legally protected invention called “Bioactive composite and method of producing bioactive composite”.

Measure 3.3.1

Internationalisation of an innovative offer for the United Arab Emirates market.

Measure 3.3.3

Participating in medical equipment industry promotion program as a method of increasing brand recognition of FlexiOss bone substitution biomaterial called “artificial bone”.

ul. Nałęczowska 14
20-701 Lublin, Poland
Medical Inventi - Łączymy świat medycyny z biznesem


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