
Measure 2.3.6

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Project title

Support for Medical Inventi S.A. in the preparation of a feasibility study and an application to the EIC Accelerator Pilot programme as part of Sub-measure 2.3.6 Eurogrants of the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Purpose of the project

The project aimed at obtaining financial support for advisory services for the preparation of a grant application in Horizon 2020, EIC Accelerator Pilot implemented by EASME and a feasibility study for the project entitled “Assessment of FlexiOss® applicability on bone regeneration after tumour resection”.


The project resulted in the submission of a grant application for the project entitled “Assessment of FlexiOss® applicability on bone regeneration after tumour resection” under Horizon 2020, European Innovation Council Accelerator pilot (EIC Accelerator pilot – SMEI-2b).

Project value:

280,060.00 PLN


280,060.00 PLN

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