



Signing a contract in the 2.3.2: Innovation Voucher Scheme for SMEs under Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Signing a contract in the activity 1.2 Targeted research of the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Province for the years 2014-2020.



Information about accepting application Medical Inventi for funding in the activity 1.2 Targeted research of the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Province for the years 2014-2020. List of projects recommended for funding: http://rpo.lubelskie.pl/nabor-566-rozstrzygniecie_konkursu_nr_rplu_01_02.html

Prof. PhD Grażyna Ginalska Prix Galien Poland 2016 prize winner in the category “Innovative discovery”.

Medical Inventi - Łączymy świat medycyny z biznesem



Signing a contract in the activity 1.3 Research-development infrastructure in entreprises of the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Province for the years 2014-2020.

Information about accepting application Medical Inventi for funding in the activity 3.3.3: Support for SMEs in the promotion of Polish product brands – Go to Brand under Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020. List of projects recommended for funding: https://poir.parp.gov.pl/wiadomosci-poir/ogloszenie-wynikow-oceny-formalnej-i-merytorycznej-poir-3-3-3-go-to-brand

Participation the Chairman of the Scientific Council Medical Inventi S.A. Prof. PhD Grażyna Ginalska in the International Conference on Biomaterials in Rytro 13-16 October 2016. Official poster.

plakat Medical Inventi



Prof. PhD Grażyna Ginalska nominated to the prize Prix Galien Poland 2016 in the category “Innovative discovery”. Full list of nominated for the award Grand Prix Galien Poland 2016: http://www.prixgalien.pl/nominacje-w-konkursie-prix-galien-polska-2016

Information about accepting application Medical Inventi for funding in the activity 1.3 Research-development infrastructure in entreprises of the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Province for the years 2014-2020. List of projects recommended for funding: http://lawp.rpo.lubelskie.pl/lawp/nabor-536-rozstrzygniecie_konkursu_nr_rplu_01_03.html



Information about accepting application Medical Inventi for funding in the activity 2.3.2 Innovation Voucher Scheme for SMEs under Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020. List of projects recommended for funding: https://poir.parp.gov.pl/lista-projektow/lista-projektow-wybranych-do-dofinansowania-w-ramach-poddzialania-2-3-2-poir-bony-na-innowacje-dla-msp-konkurs-nr-1-2015-r

Submission of the proposal for funding in the competition organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development within the Operation Program of Intelligent Development submeasure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of Polish product brands – Go to Brand under Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020. Purpose of the project is promotion of FlexiOss bone substitution biomaterial called “Artificial Bone” in the international market due to participation in medical equipment industry promotion program.



Application in the activity 1.2 and 1.3 of the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Province for the years 2014-2020. The subject of the submitted proposals were clinical trial of FlexiOss bone substitution biomaterial called “artificial bone” and creating the research and development laboratory Medical Inventi S.A.



Submission of the proposal to the certified notified unit, which initiates the process of certification of the possessed invention, so-called the artificial bone under the commercial name – FlexiOss.

ul. Nałęczowska 14
20-701 Lublin
Medical Inventi - Łączymy świat medycyny z biznesem

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