Medical Inventi S.A.

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First prize for the pitch in Birmingham!

We are proud to announce that Medical Inventi enjoyed great success at the Midlands Scale Up Games 2023 in Birmingham! Our representative, Adrian Maciejewski, won the first prize for his pitch, showcasing the potential of the company and the innovation of our products.

This accolade is the result of our qualification for the Scale-Up Games Tech Mission to the Midlands programme, which supports the development of companies with high growth potential. During the 5-day programme, we had the opportunity to make valuable contacts with investors, partners and customers, as well as present in front of a wide range of professionals at Birmingham Tech Week.

Winning the first award is a great recognition for us and confirms that Medical Inventi has the potential to succeed in the international market. We are confident that participation in the Scale Up programme will open up new growth opportunities and allow us to bring our innovative solutions to the market even more effectively.

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